Tuesday, August 4, 2009
College Street
Here is College Street, so named fior the proposed college which was sadly never built by Cardinal Thomas Wolsey, Chancellor of England an of Ipswich birth.The sad little house in the picture above sits opposite the last remaining element of the curtailed Tudor building work, that is 'Wolseys Gate'.
The house once stood surrounded by the hum of working people and machines, the area's economy formerly being docks, maltings, engineering and railways. Today the international elite are allowed to rape and pillage like the barbarian scum they are, and the productive work has gone, to be repplaced by rich scum and service sector jobs for the working class.
In this charming posed picture postcard, we see the gate with it's coat of arms above. Wolsey simply fell out with King Henry VIII, because he was unable to obtain a divorce for the rather execution crazy monarch. However he died at Leicester Abbey, before the axeman's tool of trade could perform.
Cardinal Wolsey,
College Street,
Stoke Bridge