Friday, August 14, 2009

The past and it's destruction. All in the name of the future.

(Used with thanks to Simon K. from here)

Ipswich didn't suffer the disastrous Bull Ring, awful Spaghetti Junction, or anything else that the cultural Marxists foisted upon the masses who wouldn't support them through the ballot box, in the name of Change! & Modernisation!!

But in a tiny way it did, just the same. The Mount? Gone. Princes Street, with hundreds of residents, pubs, shops and Cattle Market? Swept away. Work? Real, well paid meaningful work, where skill at least was requited, and the remuneration at least enabling some kind of like? A memory.

The cultural Marxists despised the working people, and George Orwell thankfully spotted them for what they are. He was at least honest when he suggested that the working class smell.

It was the heroic Left - most of them well educated grammar school/public school boys, with a University degree rolled up under their arm, who wrought what Hitler was not able to bring to pass.

They did not care what happened after their Legoland was built. They herded the working people into the windy barracks of Whitton, Maidenhall and Cambridge Drive, away from the shops, pubs and most importantly the work that had sustained them. The council gleefuly destroyed communities, stole the hard paid for assets of homeowners and small businessmen because some deviant little bastard called Le Courbousier decided that the masses were only fit for herding into massive barns.

And the Grammar Schools were closed, their funds raped, and handed to one clique of Trotskyist or another to play their social engineering games with. The only way we had to escape was taken. (NB - Please, don't tell me that the Universities today - "Formerly the Spunkbridge College of Art and Design" are anything like the quality or use that what real Universties were. I have known too many with degrees from the 1960's and seventies, who compared to today are walking talking geniuses).

It was The Plan that mattered - not the people.

And now we are left with little more than ghosts. The odd chapel, an old house stuck on a limb, in the middle of some fascistic National Socialist redevelopment, a shop or two, forlorn and empty.

And they became very, very wealthy at one and the same time.

PS : The BNP could, just could, be the last hurrah of the white, working class people so hated, derided and despised by the Guardianistas. The BNP doesn't care about equality, modernism, education - it has the world view of Tolkien x Mary Webb x Charles Dickens, which is the rejection of all that is now. A kind of reaction if you like - possibly a counter-revolution - to a;ll that the Left holds dear. The BNP is the antithesis to the 1960's.